Dynamics AX 2012 R2 enterprise portal Sharepoint web sivusto kaatuilee aika usein virheeseen:

Load control template file /_controltemplates/AddContentSourceControl.ascx failed: Cannot create an object of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.LocStringId' from its string representation 'AddContentSource_Schedule_Text' for the 'LabelTextLocId' property.

Jos Sharepoint on compatibility modessa 14&15 (all versions), tilannetta voi kokeilla korjata muuttamalla Internet Information Services ohjelmassa Sharepoint sivuston asetuksia:
controltemplates->manage virtual directory->advanced settings asetetaan physical path viittamaan hive 15 kontrolleihin ja asettamalla Sharepoint NewVersion (15) tilaan (Sharepoint Management Shell):

$wx=Get-SPWebApplication [sivuston URL]
$wx.CompatibilityRange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPCompatibilityRange]::NewVersion