Visual Studio 2019 Community 16.8.5
SDR# Plugin SDK for .NET 5
Latest SDR# versions need .NET 5 desktop runtime and plugin development is also changed from prev versions due change to .NET 5. For developing plugins for SDR# .NET 5 install the latest version of VS 2019 and enable in tools -> options
Show all .NET Core templates in the New project dialog
Use the preview Windows Forms designer for .NET Core apps
Create a new project using template Class Library - a project for creating a class library that targets .NET Standard or .NET Core
Add these lines to VS project file especially if you are going to use WinForm controls in plugin: <UseWindowsForms>true</UseWindowsForms>
change text in references property group (SDRSharp.Common ...) to:
<Reference Include="SDRSharp.Common">
<Reference Include="SDRSharp.PanView">
<Reference Include="SDRSharp.Radio">
... and reload the project after editing VS project file.
... otherwise you get lots of errors when building the solution.
Add references to SDRSharp.Common and .Radio and .Panview. Create a directory e.g. vendor and copy files from SDR# Plugin SDK for .NET 5 lib folder.
// implement at least ISharpPlugin, ICanLazyLoadGui, ISupportStatus
// See the examples in SDR# .NET 5 plugin SDK
using SDRSharp.Common;
using SDRSharp.Radio;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SDRSharp.Plugin.Rdsi
public class RdsiPlugin : ISharpPlugin, ICanLazyLoadGui, ISupportStatus
private const string _displayName = "RDS";
private ISharpControl _controlInterface;
private RdsiPluginPanel _configGui;
public string DisplayName
get { return _displayName; }
public UserControl Gui
return _configGui;
public void Close()
public bool IsActive => true;
public void Initialize(ISharpControl control)
_controlInterface = control;
_configGui = new RdsiPluginPanel(_controlInterface);
control.RegisterStreamHook((object)new RdsHwnd(_configGui), ProcessorType.RDSBitStream);
public void LoadGui()
if (_configGui == null)
_configGui = new RdsiPluginPanel(_controlInterface);
For user control (GUI) I copied files (User control: RdsiPluginPanel cs, resx and designer files) from RDS logger plugin I had coded for older versions of SDR# (no Telerik, no .NET 5 When building VS showed error message: dispose is not implemented, fix: RdsiPluginPanel.cs => view in designer.
I also added IMustLoadGui
public class RdsiPlugin : ISharpPlugin, ICanLazyLoadGui, IMustLoadGui, ISupportStatus
and method public bool LoadNeeded
public void Close()
public bool IsActive => true;
public bool LoadNeeded => true;
Added magic line into Plugins.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="RDS" value="SDRSharp.Plugin.Rdsi.RdsiPlugin,SDRSharp.Plugin.Rdsi" />
User control UI imported from my old SDR# plugin needs some fixing...
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