Python 3 mods
Writes output to file
Empty lines removed
Fixed crash in def offset_data when data length is not even


# Copyright (C) 2011 Gabriel Tremblay - initnull hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Motorola S-Record parser
    - Kudos to Montreal CISSP Groupies

import sys
import srecutils
from optparse import OptionParser

def __generate_option_parser():
    usage_str = "usage: %prog [options] filename"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage_str)
    parser.add_option("-r", action="store_true",
                      dest="readable", help="Human-readable output [default: %default]", default=False)
    parser.add_option("-w", action="store_true",
                      dest="wraparound", help="Wrap around characters [default: %default]", default=True)
    parser.add_option("-c", action="store_true",
                      dest="validate_checksum", help="Disable checksum validation [default: %default]", default=False)
    parser.add_option("-l", action="store_true",
                      dest="print_lines_number", help="Print line number [default: %default]", default=False)
    parser.add_option("-d", action="store_true",
                      dest="data_only", help="Data only [default: %default]", default=False)
    parser.add_option("-o", metavar="OFFSET", dest="offset", help="Add OFFSET to bytes [default: %default]", default=0)

    return parser

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = __generate_option_parser()
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)

    if len(args) <= 1 or len(args) > 2:

    # open input file
    scn_file = open(args[1])
    output_file = open("srec-output.txt", "w")

    linecount = 0
    for srec in scn_file:
        # Strip some file content
        srec = srec.strip("\n")
        srec = srec.strip("\r")

        # Validate checksum and parse record
        if options.validate_checksum and not srecutils.validate_srec_checksum(srec):
            print("Invalid checksum found!")
            # Extract data from the srec
            record_type, data_len, addr, data, checksum = srecutils.parse_srec(srec)

            if record_type == 'S1' or record_type == 'S2' or record_type == 'S3':
                # Make a copy of the original data record for checksum calculation
                raw_data = data

                # Apply offset (default is 0)
                data = srecutils.offset_data(data, int(options.offset), options.readable, options.wraparound)

                # Get checksum of the new offset srec
                raw_offset_srec = ''.join([record_type, data_len, addr, raw_data])
                int_checksum = srecutils.compute_srec_checksum(raw_offset_srec)
                checksum = srecutils.int_to_padded_hex_byte(int_checksum)

                if not options.data_only:
                    data =  ''.join([record_type, data_len, addr, data, checksum])

                if options.print_lines_number:
                    data = ''.join([str(linecount), ': ', data])

                # output to file
                output_file.write(''.join([data, '\n']),)
                #print(''.join([data, '\n']),)

            # All the other record types
                output_str = ''.join([srec, '\n'])

                if options.print_lines_number:
                   output_str = ''.join([str(linecount), ': ', output_str])

        # increment our fancy linecounter
        linecount += 1



# Copyright (C) 2011 Gabriel Tremblay - initnull hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Motorola S-Record utis
    - Kudos to Montreal CISSP Groupies

# Address len in bytes for S* types
__ADDR_LEN = {'S0' : 2,
              'S1' : 2,
              'S2' : 3,
              'S3' : 4,
              'S5' : 2,
              'S7' : 4,
              'S8' : 3,
              'S9' : 2}

def int_to_padded_hex_byte(integer):
        Convert an int to a 0-padded hex byte string
        example: 65 == 41, 10 == 0A
        Returns: The hex byte as string (ex: "0C")
    to_hex = hex(integer)
    xpos = to_hex.find('x')
    hex_byte = to_hex[xpos+1 : len(to_hex)].upper()

    if len(hex_byte) == 1:
        hex_byte = ''.join(['0', hex_byte])

    return hex_byte

def compute_srec_checksum(srec):
        Compute the checksum byte of a given S-Record
        Returns: The checksum as a string hex byte (ex: "0C")
    # Get the summable data from srec
    # start at 2 to remove the S* record entry
    data = srec[2:len(srec)]

    sum = 0
    # For each byte, convert to int and add.
    # (step each two character to form a byte)
    for position in range(0, len(data), 2):
        current_byte = data[position : position+2]
        int_value = int(current_byte, 16)
        sum += int_value

    # Extract the Least significant byte from the hex form
    hex_sum = hex(sum)
    least_significant_byte = hex_sum[len(hex_sum)-2:]
    least_significant_byte = least_significant_byte.replace('x', '0')

    # turn back to int and find the 8-bit one's complement
    int_lsb = int(least_significant_byte, 16)
    computed_checksum = (~int_lsb) & 0xff

    return computed_checksum

def validate_srec_checksum(srec):
        Validate if the checksum of the supplied s-record is valid
        Returns: True if valid, False if not
    checksum = srec[len(srec)-2:]

    # Strip the original checksum and compare with the computed one
    if compute_srec_checksum(srec[:len(srec) - 2]) == int(checksum, 16):
        return True
        return False

def get_readable_string(integer):
        Convert an integer to a readable 2-character representation. This is useful for reversing
        examples: 41 == ".A", 13 == "\n", 20 (space) == "__"
        Returns a readable 2-char representation of an int.
    if integer == 9:    #\t
        readable_string = "\\t"
    elif integer == 10: #\r
        readable_string = "\\r"
    elif integer == 13:  #\n
        readable_string = "\\n"
    elif integer == 32:  # space
        readable_string = '__'
    elif integer >= 33 and integer <= 126:  # Readable ascii
        readable_string = ''.join([chr(integer), '.'])
    else:  # rest
        readable_string = int_to_padded_hex_byte(integer)

    return readable_string

def offset_byte_in_data(target_data, offset, target_byte_pos, readable = False, wraparound = False):
        Offset a given byte in the provided data payload (kind of rot(x))
        readable will return a human-readable representation of the byte+offset
        wraparound will wrap around 255 to 0 (ex: 257 = 2)
        Returns: the offseted byte
    byte_pos = target_byte_pos * 2
    prefix = target_data[:byte_pos]
    suffix = target_data[byte_pos+2:]
    target_byte = target_data[byte_pos:byte_pos+2]
    int_value = int(target_byte, 16)
    int_value += offset

    # Wraparound
    if int_value > 255 and wraparound:
        int_value -= 256

    # Extract readable char for analysis
    if readable:
        if int_value < 256 and int_value > 0:
            offset_byte = get_readable_string(int_value)
            offset_byte = int_to_padded_hex_byte(int_value)
        offset_byte = int_to_padded_hex_byte(int_value)

    return ''.join([prefix, offset_byte, suffix])


# offset can be from -255 to 255
def offset_data(data_section, offset, readable = False, wraparound = False):
        Offset the whole data section.
        see offset_byte_in_data for more information
        Returns: the entire data section + offset on each byte
    dataLen = int(len(data_section)/2)
    for pos in range(0, dataLen):
        data_section = offset_byte_in_data(data_section, offset, pos, readable, wraparound)

    return data_section

def parse_srec(srec):
        Extract the data portion of a given S-Record (without checksum)
        Returns: the record type, the lenght of the data section, the write address, the data itself and the checksum
    record_type = srec[0:2]
    data_len = srec[2:4]
    addr_len = __ADDR_LEN.get(record_type) * 2
    addr = srec[4:4 + addr_len]
    data = srec[4 + addr_len:len(srec)-2]
    checksum = srec[len(srec) - 2:]
    return record_type, data_len, addr, data, checksum